Thursday, April 28, 2011

Erotic comes in mysterious ways.

Life in SL was a little on the no RP side as I walked past welcome board in Ar for the umpteenth time and for the umpteenth time promised myself that I was going to script something up for the powers that be which would allow them to more easily update the board which has to this day the names of people listed as moderators that I have never seen before.

So the prim was rezzed and as soon as it chirped out "Hello, avatar!" I knew there was no turning back.

Three hours later there was a nearly finished welcome board in front of me that could be completely set up and configured without the person who it was linked to present along with a plethora of other features. It was when I asked for two people to come and help me test this list of features that something caught my attention.

It was Tirza, in one of my favorite silks that she has and she was belly dancing at my side. To be honest, I don't know how long she was there because I had so much open on my screen but I leashed her and so she stood there dancing at the end of a chain while I worked on my little project.

Something occurred to me then the sight of her at the end of a chain dancing like that was delicious. So much so that I messaged her and said:

[18:17]  Josef Xaris: Is it silly that I find you dancing with a particle leash on in SL incredibly erotic?
[18:22]  Tirza (tirza.ember): No, I think its supposed t be
[18:23]  Josef Xaris: I like leashing you.
[18:24]  Tirza (tirza.ember): I like to be leashed.

Now I have her dancing on that leash in my head and it won't stop. Even as we were walking through Ar I was trying to find any excuse to have her do the same thing in RP. Fortunately there were two musicians looking to play for a small audience in Ar. My lucky day.

[18:56]  Tirza (tirza.ember) pulls on the chain, her fingers curled tightly, her knuckles white, she appeared to struggle with the length. The duality of the the instruments seemed to highlight her struggle, the happy tone of the flute a taunt, nagging at the struggling slave. The violin marked the pull of her body. She turned slowly, the chain wrapping around her form with each twist, her body becoming entangled in the metal until she is captive against Josef.

[19:00]  Tirza (tirza.ember) wriggled aganist his rigid form, her hands curled into fists as they push against him. Her face marked her anger, her frustration, her fingers slid down his form to find the chain again. Dramatically she tugged at it her arms stationary as her body rippled away from Josef. She arc back, shimmying herself towards the ground, then used the chain to pull herself upright once more.

[19:05]  Tirza (tirza.ember) spun quickly, letting the chain unravel from her body, her skirts flying around her, her hips circling independently of the rest of her body. She stood defiant for a moment, hands roaming down her form, she presented her breasts, showed off the curve of her hips with a half twirl and pulled the chain one last time. The music's tapering seemed to run through Tirza like a shock. She dropped to her knees, the chain dangling between her breasts touching the ground. As the last few notes wafted into the air, Tirza crawled with a slow feral grace to place herself at her owner's feet.
[19:10]  Tirza (tirza.ember)'s eyes were bright, her skin flushed from the dance, she gripped the coin between her teeth, trying not to taste the metal of it. She crawled with the same stealthy manner that she'd dance, crossing the few paces, skirts dragging around her to drop the coin into the basket. She didn't look up at the two women, she was preoccupied with his orders. She turned slowly, affording him a view of her silk covered rump and crawled back to his feet to lay her cheek on his sandals.

Don't get me wrong there was more than just dancing. I was reacting to her dance and manipulating the chain and the RP from the two musician women was great too. It was just her dancing at the end of my chain that I wanted to focus on.

Erotic came in a strange way for me today. I normally don't make her stand at my side while I script. Nobody should be subjected to me while I am scripting, but looking up to see her there. Yeah, it was great.

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